farm eggs


All of our farm-raised food is fresh, from our family to yours.

  • Our lamb is from the Desert Painted Sheep variety. We will be selling as a whole lamb or individual cuts. Coming soon in 2024.

  • We’re excited to be able to share our eggs with you. Brown and blue/green colored, thick shells. With rich orange yolks.

    Our eggs are from free-ranging hens. Our hens have access to GMO-free cracked corn soaked in raw milk— about once a month we give all the poultry apple cider vinegar over their feed. Keeps everything looking so nice and healthy!

    Contact us for availability and purchase price.

  • Raw A2A2 milk.

    All of our milk comes from our grass-fed Jersey cows. The girls and I (Rachel) milk by hand and when my husband (Jared) fills in, he milks with a surge bucket milker.

    We filter into clean glass jars and cool immediately. All the rich cream tops every jar.

    We sell our milk for $6/gallon with a $5 glass jar deposit.

    Right now you will need to get on the waiting list for fresh milk, when milk is available, I will give you a call. Please do get on the list if you want milk though— otherwise we won’t have any for you.

  • Wildflower Honey — Our bees feed primarily on wildflowers here. So the honey is delicious! We are blessed to have a spring fed, rock bottom creek run thru the middle of our property, so the bees have access to clean fresh water not far from their hives.

    We sell our honey for $1/ounce in glass jars or various sizes and weights.